How to use words relating to photography in German

Since the German language has a well-deserved reputation for long words, it always comes as a welcome surprise when certain concepts are actually shorter in German than their English counterparts. Words in the “photo”-family are one example:

– “Foto” (n.) – “photograph”:
“Hast du das Foto von ihm gesehen?” – “Did you see the photograph of him?”

– “Fotograf” (m.) – “photographer”:
“Ansel Adams ist mein Lieblingsfotograf.” – “Ansel Adams is my favorite photographer.”

– “fotografisch” – “photographical”
– “Fotografie” (f.) – “photography”

Note: In all of the above examples, the letter “f” can be replaced by “ph” in the German words as well, though the usage of “f” is considered more modern.

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