How far can a cat jump in German?

German Expression of the Day: “Katzensprung” (m.) – This German word literally translates as “the jump/leap of a cat” and is used in the same sense as an English-speaker would use “stone’s throw” to indicate that something is located nearby:

“Es ist nur ein Katzensprung.” – “It’s only a stone’s throw (away).”
“Meine Wohnung ist nur einen Katzensprung von hier.” – “My apartment is only a stone’s throw from here.”

Other expressions used in German to express immediate proximity are “um die Ecke” (“around the corner”), “in nächster Nähe” (essentially “nearby”) and simply “nicht weit” (“not far”). The actual “stone’s throw” (“einen Steinwurf entfernt”) is much less common in German.

Note: Keep in mind that “Katzensprung” in German is used by the same type of person who in English would use an expression like “stone’s throw” in actual real life.

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