How to express going back and forth in German

Good to Know: “Hin und Her” – This German expression (rhymes with “chin” and “chair”) means “back and forth” (except, the other way around):

“Das ständige Hin und Her tut mir leid.” – “I’m sorry about the constant back and forth.”
“Er läuft in seinem Zimmer immer hin und her.” – “He’s always pacing back and forth in his room.”

Used as part of a verb, “hin” generally has to do with motion towards some other place and “her” for motion towards this place:

“herfahren” – “to drive (to/over) here”
“herkommen” – “to come (to/over) here”
“herschwimmen” – “to swim (to/over) here”
“hingehen” – “to walk (to/over) there”
“hinfliegen” – “to fly (to/over) there”
“hinschauen” – “to look (over) there”

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