Let Expath help you with translations & interpretations!

Your employees may still need help with German even when they’re settled in. Don’t use up your HR team’s valuable time with small questions and problems – let us help!

Book Expath’s in-company translation hours, where your employees can come by for help with:

Clarifying letters or bills

Making phone calls to the insurance company or utilities company

Writing emails to the landlord

Assistance with Kita or school search

Help scheduling appointments with doctors, repair services, etc.

Translations of forms such as (de-)registration, subscriptions, etc.

We can also also send interpreters along to government offices (Bürgeramt, Ausländerbehörde, Finanzamt, etc.) to assist your employees with speaking German. This service is also possible as a package with relocation or German classes. 

Get in touch!

Let Expath support your employees' lives in Germany. Contact us at coaching (at) expath.de or give us a call at 030 880 63 605. 

We're looking forward to seeing you soon!